Arte Costarricense

Exhibimos y distribuimos obras que celebran nuestro talento local.

painting on walls
painting on walls
woman standing in front of paintings
woman standing in front of paintings
three men and woman standing while looking at bulletin board
three men and woman standing while looking at bulletin board
blue and white ceramic tile flooring
blue and white ceramic tile flooring
woman in black coat standing in front of paintings
woman in black coat standing in front of paintings
woman in black long sleeve shirt sitting on floor
woman in black long sleeve shirt sitting on floor

La galería etéreagalerí es un espacio excepcional para descubrir y disfrutar del arte costarricense.

María López

A room with a bench and a lot of paintings on the wall
A room with a bench and a lot of paintings on the wall
man wearing blue denim button-up jacket
man wearing blue denim button-up jacket


Arte costarricense en etéreagalerí

Somos una galería dedicada a exhibir y distribuir el talento artístico costarricense, promoviendo su obra pictórica en Costa Rica y América.

man in blue long sleeve shirt standing beside statue
man in blue long sleeve shirt standing beside statue
Arte que inspira y transforma vidas.

Cliente Satisfecho
